icecoldbeerarcadegame| Unexpectedly! The disk surface changes abnormally, and the emotional cycle is chaotic!


Today's stock market repaired unexpectedly quickly.IcecoldbeerarcadegameIt makes people a little unprepared. There were some unusual signals in early trading, such as the anti-nuclear button of brilliant Technology (002296), the bid of Zhongheng Design (603017), the weak and strong acceleration of Wanan Technology (002590), and the long legs of Wanfeng Aowei (002085). In less than 10 minutes, all stocks were pulled up rapidly, and all were pulled up by shrinking volume. This rapid rise has caught people off guard. The low level of the market has been hit in recent days, but it is not a collective slump, there are still some opportunities.

Now the disk changes abnormally, the emotional cycle is chaotic, and there is no clear freezing point and boiling point. Speculate that this change may have something to do with quantitative trading. The previous quantitative strategy was to invest in small-cap stocks in bulk, then borrow money and make money from short-term fluctuations. Now the way of margin lending is blocked, speculation in small-cap stocks is suppressed, and funds may change their trading habits. The recent list of dragons and tigers also shows that some institutional seats are selling more and more heavily. The change in the market requires us to accept and adapt, learn and surpass it.

icecoldbeerarcadegame| Unexpectedly! The disk surface changes abnormally, and the emotional cycle is chaotic!

Now the market is extremely extreme, after a big rise will not necessarily continue to rise, after a sharp fall will not necessarily continue to fall. The money is framed in the rhythm of shock. Experience tells us that we should not cling to the thinking mode of the past, but should adjust it appropriately according to the current situation. Tomorrow's main theme exercise may be uncertain, and tomorrow's strong and weak stocks will determine whether today's node really becomes an inflection point. Leading the rising plate low altitude and AI has broken out today, tomorrow still need to see whether the volume and energy is magnified in order to continue to rise.

Stock name Zhongheng Design, Wanan Science and Technology, brilliant Technology, Wanfeng Aowei Plate name AI Chip keywords watching Notes, advance Tips, bragging quantificationIcecoldbeerarcadegameYour uncle Hexun self-selected stock writer risk Tip: the above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.




